Webinar sobre ChemHAT, septiembre de 2012
- Trying ChemHAT On (10.4 MB Powerpoint)
- Audio from Trying ChemHAT On presentation (50 MB mp3)
- Taking Pollution Out of Production (17.6 MB Powerpoint)
Presentación sobre ChemHAT
New Ways to Think About Chemicals (3.5 MB PDF)
Hojas informativas sobre sustancias químicas
- Agent Orange: What We Learned From an Uncontrolled Experiment on American Soldiers and the People of Southeast Asia
- Biomonitoring: Measuring Chemicals in People
- Breast Cancer and DDT: Why Timing Can Matter More Than Dose
- Formaldehyde: Who Keeps the Laws From Keeping Up With the Science?
- How the Reproductive Problems of Florida Panthers and American Men are Connected