Estas fuentes de documentación se refieren directamente a esta sustancia química:
Candidate Chemical List
CA SCP - Candidate Chemicals
California Department of Toxic Substance Control (CA DTSC)
GSPI - Six Classes Precautionary List
Green Science Policy Institute (GSPI)
Ingredients that are Restricted for Use in Cosmetic Products
Health Canada - Cosmetic Ingredient Hotlist
Health Canada
Chemicals of High Concern
MDH - Chemicals of High Concern and Priority Chemicals
Minnesota Department of Public Health
Annex II - Prohibited Substances
EU - Cosmetics Regulation
European Union / European Commission (EU EC)
CFP EU Candidate SVHC List
CPA - Chemical Footprint
Clean Production Action (CPA)
Children's Products
C2C Certified v4.0 Product Standard Restricted Substances List (RSL) - Effective July 1, 2022
Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII)
Formulated Consumer Products
C2C Certified v4.0 Product Standard Restricted Substances List (RSL) - Effective July 1, 2022
Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII)
Declarable and Reference Substance Lists (DSL and RSL)
IEC 62474 - Material Declaration for Products of and for the Electrotechnical Industry
International Electrotechnical Commission
Cosmetics & Personal Care Products
C2C Certified v4.0 Product Standard Restricted Substances List (RSL) - Effective July 1, 2022
Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII)
Food Contact Chemicals Database Version 5.0
Food Contact Chemicals Database (FCCdb)
Food Packaging Forum
Food Contact Chemicals of Concern List (FCCoCL) - TIER 3
Food Contact Chemicals of Concern (FCCoCL)
Food Packaging Forum
Substances of Very High Concern (RIVM ZZS)
Substances of Very High Concern (RIVM ZZS)
The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
ZDHC - MRSL v2.0
ZDHC - MRSL v2.0
Zero Discharge of Hazardous Waste Chemicals Programme
FPF Priority Substance List from FCCdb
FPF Priority Substance List from FCCdb
Food Packaging Forum
Food Packaging Forum Priority Substances List
GreenScreen Certified Standard for Food Service Ware RSL
Clean Production Action (CPA)
TSCA Commercially Active
TSCA Chemical Substance Inventory (Active-Inactive)
US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
Enzymes and Stabilizers - Yellow Triangle (Best available in class but some hazard profile issues)
US EPA - DfE Safer Chemicals Ingredients list (SCIL)
US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
Flame Retardants (Non-electronic)
GreenScreen Certified Standard for Furniture & Fabrics Bronze RSL
Clean Production Action (CPA)
Flame Retardants (Non-electronic)
GreenScreen Certified Standard for Furniture & Fabrics Silver-Gold RSL
Clean Production Action (CPA)
GADSL Declarable or Prohibited Substances (D/P)
Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL)
Global Automotive Stakeholder Group (GASG)
GreenScreen LT-1 (based on 2018 Chemical Footprint Project)
GreenScreen Certified Standard for Medical Supplies & Devices Silver-Gold RSL
Clean Production Action (CPA)
Non-Halogenated Flame Retardants
GreenScreen Certified Standard for Medical Supplies & Devices Bronze RSL
Clean Production Action (CPA)
Non-Halogenated Flame Retardants
GreenScreen Certified Standard for Medical Supplies & Devices Silver-Gold RSL
Clean Production Action (CPA)
Restricted Substances in Products
Apple Regulated Substances Specification
Apple Inc.
Reportable Substances and Future Restrictions in Products
Apple Regulated Substances Specification
Apple Inc.
Environment Canada & Health Canada (EC)
TSCA - Substantial Risk Notices
TSCA Chemical Substantial Risk Notices
US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
Australia - National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessments (NICNAS)
Australian Government
All Products
C2C Certified v4.1 Product Standard Restricted Substances - Effective July 1, 2024
Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII)
Cosmetics and Personal Care Products
C2C Certified v4.1 Product Standard Restricted Substances - Effective July 1, 2024
Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII)