How can this chemical affect my health?
Acute (Short Term) Effects

Data sources
Direct Hazard » Toxic to Humans & Animals
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- FIFRA Registered PesticideUS EPA - OPP - Registered PesticidesUS Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
- H301 - Toxic if swallowed [Acute toxicity (oral) - Category 3]EU - GHS (H-Statements) Annex 6 Table 3-1European Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- H311 - Toxic in contact with skin [Acute toxicity (dermal) - Category 3]EU - GHS (H-Statements) Annex 6 Table 3-1European Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- H331 - Toxic if inhaled [Acute toxicity (inhalation) - Category 3]EU - GHS (H-Statements) Annex 6 Table 3-1European Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- Extremely Hazardous SubstancesUS EPA - EPCRA Extremely Hazardous SubstancesUS Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
- H311 - Toxic in contact with skin [Acute toxicity (dermal) - Category 3]GHS - KoreaRepublic of Korea - National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER)
- H330 - Fatal if inhaled [Acute toxicity (inhalation) - Category 2]GHS - KoreaRepublic of Korea - National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER)
- H301 - Toxic if swallowed [Acute toxicity (oral) - Category 3]GHS - KoreaRepublic of Korea - National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER)
- Class D1A - Very toxic material causing immediate and serious toxic effectsQuébec CSST - WHMIS 1988Québec Workplace Health and Safety Commission (Commission de la santé et de la securite du travail (CSST))
- H311 - Toxic in contact with skin [Acute Toxicity (dermal) - Category 3]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- H330 - Fatal if inhaled [Acute toxicity (inhalation: gas) - Category 2]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- H302 - Harmful if swallowed [Acute Toxicity (oral) - Category 4]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- H300 - Fatal if swallowed [Acute toxicity (oral) - Category 1 or 2]GHS - MalaysiaMalaysia Department of Occupational Safety and Health
- H311 - Toxic in contact with skin [Acute toxicity (dermal) - Category 3]GHS - MalaysiaMalaysia Department of Occupational Safety and Health
- H331 - Toxic if inhaled [Acute toxicity (inhalation) - Category 3]GHS - MalaysiaMalaysia Department of Occupational Safety and Health
- H301 - Toxic if swallowed [Acute toxicity (oral) - Category 3]GHS - AustraliaSafe Work Australia
- H311 - Toxic in contact with skin [Acute toxicity (dermal) - Category 3]GHS - AustraliaSafe Work Australia
- H330 - Fatal if inhaled [Acute toxicity (inhalation) - Category 1 or 2]GHS - AustraliaSafe Work Australia
- H301 - Toxic if swallowed (unverified) [Acute toxicity (oral) - Category 3]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- H311 - Toxic in contact with skin (unverified) [Acute toxicity (dermal) - Category 3]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- H331 - Toxic if inhaled (unverified) [Acute toxicity (inhalation) - Category 3]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- H330 - Fatal if inhaled (unverified) [Acute toxicity (inhalation) - Category 1 or 2]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
Direct Hazard » Irritates the Skin
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- H314 - Causes severe skin burns and eye damage [Skin corrosion/irritation - Category 1A or 1B or 1C]EU - GHS (H-Statements) Annex 6 Table 3-1European Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- H314 - Causes severe skin burns and eye damage [Skin corrosion/irritation - Category 1]GHS - KoreaRepublic of Korea - National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER)
- H314 - Causes severe skin burns and eye damage [Skin corrosion / irritation - Category 1]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- H314 - Causes severe skin burns and eye damage [Skin corrosion/irritation - Category 1A or 1B or 1C]GHS - MalaysiaMalaysia Department of Occupational Safety and Health
- H314 - Causes severe skin burns and eye damage [Skin corrosion/irritation - Category 1A or 1B or 1C]GHS - AustraliaSafe Work Australia
- H314 - Causes severe skin burns and eye damage (unverified) [Skin corrosion/irritation - Category 1A or 1B or 1C]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
Direct Hazard » Irritates the Eyes
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- H319 - Causes serious eye irritation [Serious eye damage / eye irritation - Category 2]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- H318 - Causes serious eye damage [Serious eye damage/eye irritation - Category 1]GHS - MalaysiaMalaysia Department of Occupational Safety and Health
- H318 - Causes serious eye damage (unverified) [Serious eye damage/eye irritation - Category 1]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
Chronic (Long Term) Effects

Data sources
Direct Hazard » Asthma Trigger
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- Asthmagen (A) - expert listed pending AEOC reviewAOEC - AsthmagensAssociation of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC)
- Asthmagen (G) - generally acceptedAOEC - AsthmagensAssociation of Occupational and Environmental Clinics (AOEC)
- H334 - May cause allergy or asthma symptoms or breathing difficulties if inhaled [Respiratory sensitizer - Category 1]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- Asthma - allergen, sensitizer - good evidenceCHE - Toxicant DatabaseCollaborative on Health and the Environment (CHE)
- Agent Causing Occupational AsthmaQuebec CSST - Asthma AgentsQuébec Workplace Health and Safety Commission (Commission de la santé et de la securite du travail (CSST))
Direct Hazard » Cancer
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- (1986) Group B1 - Probable human CarcinogenUS EPA - IRIS CarcinogensUS Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
- Group 1 - Agent is Carcinogenic to humansIARCInternational Agency for Research on Cancer, World Health Organization (IARC)
- CarcinogenCA EPA - Prop 65California Environmental Protection Agency (CA EPA)
- Occupational CarcinogenUS CDC - Occupational CarcinogensUS Centers for Disease Control (US CDC)
- Known to be a human CarcinogenUS NIH - Report on CarcinogensUS Department of Health & Human Services - National Institutes of Health (US NIH)
- H350 - May cause cancer [Carcinogenicity - Category 1A or 1B]EU - GHS (H-Statements) Annex 6 Table 3-1European Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- Carcinogens: Category 1BEU - REACH Annex XVII CMRsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- Carcinogen Group 4 - Non-genotoxic carcinogen with low risk under MAK/BAT levelsMAKMAK Commission of Germany (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- H350 - May cause cancer [Carcinogenicity - Category 1]GHS - KoreaRepublic of Korea - National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER)
- Carcinogen Category 1B - Presumed Carcinogen based on animal evidenceEU - Annex VI CMRsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- H350 - May cause cancer [Carcinogenicity - Category 1A]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- Known human carcinogen - TSCA Criteria metUS EPA - PPT Chemical Action PlansUS Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
- H351 - Suspected of causing cancer [Carcinogenicity - Category 2]GHS - MalaysiaMalaysia Department of Occupational Safety and Health
- H350i - May cause cancer by inhalation [Carcinogenicity - Category 1A or 1B]GHS - AustraliaSafe Work Australia
- H351 - Suspected of causing cancer (unverified) [Carcinogenicity - Category 2]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- H350 - May cause cancer (unverified) [Carcinogenicity - Category 1A or 1B]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
Direct Hazard » Sensitizes the Skin
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction [Skin sensitization - Category 1]EU - GHS (H-Statements) Annex 6 Table 3-1European Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- Sensitizing Substance Sh - Danger of skin sensitizationMAKMAK Commission of Germany (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction [Skin sensitization - Category 1]GHS - KoreaRepublic of Korea - National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER)
- H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction [Skin sensitization - Category 1]GHS - MalaysiaMalaysia Department of Occupational Safety and Health
- H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction [Skin sensitization - Category 1]GHS - AustraliaSafe Work Australia
- H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction [Skin Sensitization - Category 1A]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- Potential Skin AllergensSCJ - Potential Skin AllergensSC Johnson
- H317 - May cause an allergic skin reaction (unverified) [Skin sensitization - Category 1]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
Direct Hazard » Gene Damage
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- H341 - Suspected of causing genetic defects [Germ cell mutagenicity - Category 2]EU - GHS (H-Statements) Annex 6 Table 3-1European Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- Mutagen - Category 2EU - Annex VI CMRsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- H341 - Suspected of causing genetic defects [Germ cell mutagenicity - Category 2]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- Germ Cell Mutagen 5MAKMAK Commission of Germany (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
- H341 - Suspected of causing genetic defects (unverified) [Germ cell mutagenicity - Category 2]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
Direct Hazard » Endocrine Disruption
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- Potential Endocrine DisruptorTEDX - Potential Endocrine DisruptorsThe Endocrine Disruption Exchange (TEDX)
Direct Hazard » Birth Defects
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- Pregnancy Risk Group CMAKMAK Commission of Germany (Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft)
Direct Hazard » Other Health Effects
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- H372 - Causes damage to organs through prolonged or repeated exposure [Specific target organs/systemic toxicity following repeated exposure - Category 1]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- H370 - Causes damage to organs [Specific target organs/systemic toxicity following single exposure - Category 1]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- H335 - May cause respiratory irritation (unverified) [Specific target organ toxicity - single exposure; Respiratory tract irritation - Category 3]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
Inherent Hazards

Data sources
Direct Hazard » Restricted List
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- Cancer causing substances subject to workplace management or avoidanceUS OSHA - CarcinogensUS Department of Labor
- HAPs subject to the Clean Air ActUS EPA - Hazardous Air PollutantsUS Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
- Red List substance to avoid in Living Building Challenge V2.1 projectsLiving Building Challenge 2.1 - Red List of Materials & Chemicals (retired in 2014)International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
- Precautionary list of substances recommended for avoidanceP&W - Precautionary ListPerkins+Will (P+W)
- TSCA Work Plan chemical - ongoing chemical (risk) assessmentUS EPA - PPT Chemical Action PlansUS Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
- Chemicals of high concernSCHF - Hazardous 100Toxic-Free Future (formerly Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families (SCHF))
- Priority Asthmagen to AvoidHabitable - Priority AsthmagensHabitable (formerly HBN)
- Candidate Chemical ListCA SCP - Candidate ChemicalsCalifornia Department of Toxic Substance Control (CA DTSC)
- Red List substances to avoid in Living Building Challenge V3 projectsLiving Building Challenge 3.0 - Red List of Materials & Chemicals (retiring December 31, 2024)International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
- Substances selected for RMOA or hazard assessmentEU - PACT-RMOA SubstancesEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- V3 2014 Substance of Concern ListBIFMA - e3/level Annex B list of chemicalsBusiness and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA)
- AntimicrobialsGSPI - Six Classes Precautionary ListGreen Science Policy Institute (GSPI)
- Some SolventsGSPI - Six Classes Precautionary ListGreen Science Policy Institute (GSPI)
- Substances restricted under REACHEU - REACH Annex XVII non-CMRsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- Ingredients that are Restricted for Use in Cosmetic ProductsHealth Canada - Cosmetic Ingredient HotlistHealth Canada
- Priority ChemicalsME DEP - Chemicals of High Concern and Priority ChemicalsMaine Department of Environmental Protection
- Chemicals of High ConcernMDH - Chemicals of High Concern and Priority ChemicalsMinnesota Department of Public Health
- Priority ChemicalsMDH - Chemicals of High Concern and Priority ChemicalsMinnesota Department of Public Health
- Chemicals of High Concern to ChildrenWA DoE - Chemicals of High Concern to ChildrenWashington State Department of Ecology (WA DOE)
- Prospective Red List substances to avoid in Living Building Challenge projectsLiving Building Challenge 3.0 - Red List of Materials & Chemicals (retiring December 31, 2024)International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
- Annex II - Prohibited SubstancesEU - Cosmetics RegulationEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- Designated ChemicalCA DTSC - Biomonitoring California Chemical ListCalifornia Department of Toxic Substance Control (CA DTSC)
- CoHC List (non SVHC)CPA - Chemical FootprintClean Production Action (CPA)
- Children's ProductsC2C Certified v4.0 Product Standard Restricted Substances List (RSL) - Effective July 1, 2022Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII)
- Formulated Consumer ProductsC2C Certified v4.0 Product Standard Restricted Substances List (RSL) - Effective July 1, 2022Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII)
- Footwear, Apparel & Jewelry ProductsC2C Certified v4.0 Product Standard Restricted Substances List (RSL) - Effective July 1, 2022Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII)
- Red List substances to avoid in Living Building Challenge V3.1 projectsLiving Building Challenge 3.1 - Red List of Materials & Chemicals (retiring December 31, 2024)International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
- Red List substances to avoid in Living Building Challenge V4.0 projectsLiving Building Challenge 4.0 - Red List of Materials & Chemicals - Effective February 1, 2025International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
- High priority chemicalsSephora - High Priority ChemicalsSephora
- 2019 Substance of Concern ListBIFMA - e3/level Annex B list of chemicalsBusiness and Institutional Furniture Manufacturers Association (BIFMA)
- Tier 1 “Do Not Use Chemicals” for EveryoneCampaign for Safe Cosmetics’ Red List of Chemicals of ConcernCampaign for Safe Cosmetics
- Prohibited ChemicalsCredo Beauty's Restricted Substance ListCredo
- Declarable and Reference Substance Lists (DSL and RSL)IEC 62474 - Material Declaration for Products of and for the Electrotechnical IndustryInternational Electrotechnical Commission
- Limit standard for volatile organic compounds content in adhesives (GB 33372-2020)China's limit standard for volatile organic compoundsState Administration for Market Regulation - Standardization Administration of China
- Limit standard for volatile organic compounds content in cleaning agents (GB 38508-2020)China's limit standard for volatile organic compoundsState Administration for Market Regulation - Standardization Administration of China
- Chemicals of High Concern to ChildrenVermont Chemicals of High Concern to ChildrenVermont Environmental Health Division
- Multiple FindingsCosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR)Cosmetic Ingredient Review (CIR)
- Reportable ChemicalsMA Toxics Use Reduction Act (TURA) listed substancesMassachusetts Department of Environmental Protection
- Cosmetics & Personal Care ProductsC2C Certified v4.0 Product Standard Restricted Substances List (RSL) - Effective July 1, 2022Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII)
- Food Contact Chemicals Database Version 5.0Food Contact Chemicals Database (FCCdb)Food Packaging Forum
- Food Contact Chemicals of Concern List (FCCoCL) - TIER 2Food Contact Chemicals of Concern (FCCoCL)Food Packaging Forum
- Substances of Very High Concern (RIVM ZZS)Substances of Very High Concern (RIVM ZZS)The National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM)
- Substances Restricted in ToysThe Toy Safety DirectiveEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- MiscellaneousAmerican Apparel and Footwear Association Restricted Substance List (AAFA RSL)American Apparel and Footwear Association
- Target Priority Chemicals List (TPCL)Target Corp - Target Priority Chemicals List (TPCL)Target Corporation
- ZDHC - MRSL v2.0 Candidate ListZDHC - MRSL v2.0Zero Discharge of Hazardous Waste Chemicals Programme
- FSAP Food Packaging Product Stewardship ConsiderationsFSAP Food Packaging Product Stewardship ConsiderationsFood Safety Alliance for Packaging (FSAP)
- FPF Priority Substance List from FCCdbFPF Priority Substance List from FCCdbFood Packaging Forum
- Food Packaging Forum Priority Substances ListGreenScreen Certified Standard for Food Service Ware RSLClean Production Action (CPA)
- Reportable Substances and Future Restrictions in Manufacturing ProcessesApple Regulated Substances SpecificationApple Inc.
- TSCA Commercially ActiveTSCA Chemical Substance Inventory (Active-Inactive)US Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
- FormaldehydeAFIRM Packaging RSLThe Apparel and Footwear International RSL Management Group (AFIRM)
- GADSL Declarable or Prohibited Substances (D/P)Global Automotive Declarable Substance List (GADSL)Global Automotive Stakeholder Group (GASG)
- GreenScreen LT-1 (based on 2018 Chemical Footprint Project)GreenScreen Certified Standard for Medical Supplies & Devices Silver-Gold RSLClean Production Action (CPA)
- Tier 1 “Do Not Use” Chemicals of Greater Concern for Black WomenCampaign for Safe Cosmetics’ Red List of Chemicals of ConcernCampaign for Safe Cosmetics
- Potential ACUTE health effects (sudden or short-term)OR OHA - High Priority Chemicals of Concern for Children's Health (HPCCCH)Oregon Health Authority
- Potential CHRONIC health effects (over time or long-term)OR OHA - High Priority Chemicals of Concern for Children's Health (HPCCCH)Oregon Health Authority
- Restricted Substances in ProductsApple Regulated Substances SpecificationApple Inc.
- Reportable Substances and Future Restrictions in ProductsApple Regulated Substances SpecificationApple Inc.
- DSL-allEC - CEPA DSLEnvironment Canada & Health Canada (EC)
- ATSDR 2022 Substance Priority ListATSDR’s Substance Priority ListUS Centers for Disease Control (US CDC)
- TSCA - Substantial Risk NoticesTSCA Chemical Substantial Risk NoticesUS Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
- NICNASAustralia - National Industrial Chemicals Notification and Assessments (NICNAS)Australian Government
- All ProductsC2C Certified v4.1 Product Standard Restricted Substances - Effective July 1, 2024Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII)
- Cosmetics and Personal Care ProductsC2C Certified v4.1 Product Standard Restricted Substances - Effective July 1, 2024Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute (C2CPII)
- Japan - CSCLJapan - Chemical Substances Control LawGovernment of Japan
- Substance evaluation - CoRAPECHA - Community Rolling Action Plan (CoRAP)European Chemicals Agency (ECHA)
- Trade Union Priority List 2.0ETUC - Trade Union Priority List 2.0European Trade Union Confederation (ETUC)
Direct Hazard » Flammable
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- H220 - Extremely flammable gas [Flammable gases - Category 1]GHS - KoreaRepublic of Korea - National Institute of Environmental Research (NIER)
- Class B1 - Flammable gasesQuébec CSST - WHMIS 1988Québec Workplace Health and Safety Commission (Commission de la santé et de la securite du travail (CSST))
- Class B3 - Combustible liquidsQuébec CSST - WHMIS 1988Québec Workplace Health and Safety Commission (Commission de la santé et de la securite du travail (CSST))
- H220 - Extremely flammable gas [Flammable gases - Category 1]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- H221 - Flammable gas (unverified) [Flammable gases - Category 2]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
- H226 - Flammable liquid and vapour (unverified) [Flammable liquids - Category 3]EU - Manufacturer REACH hazard submissionsEuropean Union / European Commission (EU EC)
[1227476-28-9] Formaldehyde (primary Casrn Is 50-00-0) » Restricted List
These sources refer to a group of compounds containing this chemical:
- Priority for Inclusion in the Living Building Challenge Red ListLiving Building Challenge 4.0 - Red List of Materials & Chemicals - Effective February 1, 2025International Living Future Institute (ILFI)
Antimicrobials » Restricted List
These sources refer to a group of compounds containing this chemical:
- Antimicrobials (Surface Pathogens)GreenScreen Certified Standard for Medical Supplies & Devices Bronze RSLClean Production Action (CPA)
- Antimicrobials (Surface Pathogens)GreenScreen Certified Standard for Medical Supplies & Devices Silver-Gold RSLClean Production Action (CPA)
Formaldehyde Compounds And Polymers » Restricted List
These sources refer to a group of compounds containing this chemical:
- Priority ChemicalsMind the Store Priority Chemical Classes & GroupsToxic-Free Future (formerly Safer Chemicals, Healthy Families (SCHF))
- FormaldehydeBora's Chemicals of Concern ListBora Architecture & Interiors
How does this chemical impact the environment?

Data sources
Direct Hazard » Immediate Harm to Aquatic Ecosystems
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- H401 - Toxic to aquatic life [Hazardous to the aquatic environment (acute) - Category 2]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
- H401 - Aquatic Acute 2 - Toxic to aquatic life [Hazardous to the aquatic environment (acute) - Category 2]GHS - AustraliaSafe Work Australia
Direct Hazard » Long-Term Harm to Aquatic Ecosystems
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- H412 - Harmful to aquatic life with long lasting effects [Hazardous to the aquatic environment (chronic) - Category 3]GHS - JapanGovernment of Japan
Direct Hazard » Bioaccumulative
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- Low bioaccumulation potential - TSCA Criteria metUS EPA - PPT Chemical Action PlansUS Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
Direct Hazard » Persistent
These sources refer directly to this chemical:
- Low environmental persistence - TSCA Criteria metUS EPA - PPT Chemical Action PlansUS Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA)
What safer alternatives are available for this chemical?
How am I likely to be exposed to this chemical?

How can I protect myself from exposure to this chemical in the workplace?